A. What would you say when:
1. you meet someone around 7 p.m.?
2. you meet someone for the first time?
3. someone asks you how you are?
4. you meet someone whom you have not seen for a long time?
5. you bid farewell to your teacher?
6. you want to introduce yourself?
7. you say goodbye to your friend around 10 p.m.?
8. you meet someone around 8 a.m.?
9. someone introduces himself/herself?
10.you ask someone how things are?
B. Provide the appropriate utterance based on the context.
1. Hajimemashite. Sonoda desu. Doozo yoroshiku.
2. ________________________________________________________________
Hai, okagesama de genki desu.
3. ________________________________________________________________
Maa maa desu.
4. Shitsuree-shimasu.
5. _________________________________________________________________
Soo desu nee. Ogenki desu ka?