JSAC-Japan Foundation Lecture
'Brewed in Japan'.
Special JSAC/Japan Foundation
Toronto Lecture by Jeffrey
Alexander, February 12, 2015 at
Saint Mary's University:
'Japan’s Entry into
International Society' by Professor
Tomoko Okagaki, Dokkyo University:
For Smart Cities in Japan' by Professor
Hidefumi Imura (March 1st, 2016,
UBC): Link
'Quality Service': Can Omotenashi be a Source of
Japan’s Soft Power?" by Professor Takamichi (Tam)
Mito, Kwansei Gakuin University (November 8, 2016,
UBC) : Link
"How Much
Difference is There Between Japan and China in
Terms of Aesthetics?" by Professor Masahiro
Hamashita, at Centre for Japanese Research, UBC,
February 7, 2017: Link |
journals, articles, talks, etc. by members of
- Article: 'The
dangerous false fear of Japanese militarism' by
David Welch: EN Link
JP Link
- Interview: 'PM Abe's electoral
strategy and Abenomics' by Stephen
Robert Nagy: Video
- Interview: ジョーゼフ・キャ
ロン氏 「変化を方向づける年」 2015朝日新聞 鏡の中の日
本戦後70年 世界からのメッセージ: Link
(pdf.) Link
- Article: 'Japan's
most significant year' by
Joseph Caron: Link
- Article:
「日中韓和解のカギは、互いの「自己評価」を認め合うこと」 by Stephen R. Nagy:
- Article: 'Is Japan really
tilting to the right?' by Stephen R. Nagy: Link
- Article: 'A persistent
problem' by Stephen R. Nagy: Link
- Article: 「日中韓は不毛な
「歴史 修正競争」に歯止めを」 by Stephen Nagy: Link
- Article:
'What Canadians Need to Know about Today’s
Japan: Because it's 2016' by Joseph Caron: Link
- Article:
There's still time to save the TPP by Joseph
Caron: Link
- Article:
Japan, Canada and the TPP: Link
- Journal:
Journal Of International and Advanced Japanese
Studies, Volume 9 (2016-17), University of
Tsukuba: Link
- Article:
'Canada in the U.S.-China crossfire' by Joseph
Caron: Link
Japan-related talks, lectures,
interview, article, etc.:
- University of British Columbia appoints Santa J.
Ono as its first president of Japanese descent: Link
- Lynne
Kutsukake, writer, won Canada-Japan
Literary Award ($10,000) for her work 'The
Translation of Love': Link
- Bill 79, Nanjing Massacre Commemorative Day Act,
2016: Link
- Morimoto
Gakuen scandal, The Japan Times: Link
- A
scandal over schools, land and nationalism in
Japan, BBC : Link
- Globe
& Mail Article on John F. Howse: Link